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Gateway Church Elder announces firing of Pastor Kemtal Glasgow due to ‘moral failure’

Photo (l-to-r): Pastor Kemtal Glaslow, Elder Tra Willbanks

The fallout at Gateway Church continues.

Gateway Church elder, Tra Willbanks, shared that Kemtal Glasgow, who oversaw all of Gateway Church’s campuses and gathering locations, was fired due to “moral failure.”

Willbanks stated, "We were informed last week of a moral issue which we believe, as elders, disqualifies him from serving in the role that he had at Gateway.”

Willbanks did not disclose the details of Glasgow’s moral failure.

Nevertheless, some sources have claimed that Glasgow was fired after multiple affairs, including a possible same-sex relationship.

Photo Source: Amy Smith, Watchkeep

In June, Senior Pastor Robert Morris resigned after child sexual assault allegations were made by accuser Cindy Clemeshire.

Pastor Glasgow is married to his wife Marla and they have three (3) children- Emmett, Zoey, and Hilary.


1 Comment

Sep 02, 2024

Last days of the End Times spoken of by Jesus in the Book of Matthew. I'm so thankful that Jesus remains faithful. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There is no shadow of turning with Him. He is faithful and He never fails. If you trust Jesus with your life you don't have to be afraid because He will never leave you nor forsake you.

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