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Pastor John Gray in Hospital in Grave Condition

PRAYERS NEEDED! First lady Aventer Gray revealed in an Instagram post that PASTOR JOHN GRAY is in CCU (cardiac critical care) and is in serious condition with a "saddle pulmonary embolism."

A Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lungs. A saddle embolism is when the blood clot becomes lodged at the intersection where the main pulmonary artery divides and branches off into the left and right lungs. Pastor Gray is expected to undergo surgery very soon.

John Gray is the Pastor of Relentless Church in Greenville, SC and Atlanta, GA.

Pastor John Gray is only 49 years old.

Please pray for Pastor Gray, Aventer, their 2 children, and their respective families and friends.

Also, let's pray for a speedy recovery for Pastor John Gray!

Below is the social media post from First Lady Aventer Gray:

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