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Bishop Marvin L. Winans unveils during NYE the timeline for completion of new Perfecting Church campus

Photo: Bishop Marvin L. Winans during Watch Night Services 12/31/2024 (screen grab), Timeline for campus completion

Let the countdown begin! Completion of the Perfecting Church Campus in Detroit finally has a target completion date.

Bishop Marvin L. Winans unveiled a countdown to the completion date during New Year's Eve Watchnight services at his Perfecting Church.

Given the timeline shown, completion on the property should be complete in March 2026.

Construction at the campus on Woodward Avenue and Seven Mile in Detroit had been stalled for nearly 20 years, creating a public nuisance and contributing the area's blight before the City of Detroit threatened legal action.

Please keep Pastor Winans and the Perfecting Church family in your prayers as they pursue the vision given to Bishop Winans.




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